Burgos, 19th February 2013. The executive team of the LOC/MTC (Liga Operária Católica - Movimento de Trabalhadores Cristãos**) and the permanent commission of the HOAC (Hermanda Obrera de Acción Católica***) held their annual coordination meeting from 17th to 19th February in Burgos to share and to analyze together the life and efforts of the activists – male and female – of both movements and the current state of the working environment and the Church in both countries.
As a starting point, we affirmed the similarity of both countries with respect to:
- the high rate of existing unemployment, which has increased this last year and the worrying prospect that this increase will continue steadily.
- the latest labor reforms have not avoided job losses, but have further deteriorated working conditions and job instability and set back collective negotiation.
- indecent wages, often a pittance, are leading to the creation of a sector of poor workers, in spite of their jobs
- smear campaigns directed at the workers' organizations
- this situation has reduced the workers' purchasing power and has conditioned their lives, forcing them to renounce minimally decent standards of living.
- insecurity has increased, fear and uncertainty about the future have increased.
- thousands of qualified young people from both countries must leave their homes and families to find a future in other countries